Sunday, January 28, 2024





In stygian Eleusis, moon's pale glow withers, 

Murmurs coil boughs, secret vows whispered. 

Initiates light eldritch fires, piercing cosmic abyss, 

Persephone's wail echoes, haunting ethereal hiss.



Torches illuminate nightmarish path, sanity unraveled, 

Symbols woven into the rite, madness traveled. 

Through accursed hallways, Demeter's cosmic chase, 

Sacrament profane, unveiling darkened embrace.



Hierophant's threshold, keeper of lore's blackened core, 

Mysteries unfold, revelation through abyss explored.

No words, only echoes of chants, hanging in accursed air, 

Eleusis, harbinger of enigmas, where horrors declare.



O Eleusis, shadows and dread moonlit dance,

Seeker merge, soul ascends, remnants enhance.

A vessel for revelations, ineffable concealed, 

Whispers hush, lights flash, mysteries are revealed.

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