Sunday, January 28, 2024

 An Angry Song


Crucible of fury, flames alight, 

Soul ablaze with Promethean plight. 

Chained to anger, consumed by the night, 

Icarus shackled lacking flight.


Punching walls, symphony of rage, 

wrath of Zeus on a vengeful stage. 

Hephaestus forging in ire, 

A fiery tempest, mythical pyre.


On fire within, a phantom's dance, 

A turbulent waltz, the Furies' advance. 

Dark thoughts swarm, Harpies unseen,

A tempestuous anguish, a storm so keen.


Fists meet walls, an unholy alliance, 

A desperate plea for divine defiance. 

Red stains mark the canvas of despair,

An angry phantom, caught in its own snare.


No release in sight, just echoes of pain, 

Like Sisyphus' boulder, all struggle in vain.

Prisoner of torment, shackled by disdain,

Modern-day captive, wrestling with chains.


Yet deep within the tempest's cruel might, 

Lies a flicker of hope, a dimming light. 

As Persephone rises from the underworld's fold, 

Hope blossoms in Hades, a tale retold.


For even in the darkest hour's embrace, 

There exists a space for divine grace. 

To temper the flames, Athena's wise soul, 

To mend the wounds, Apollo's healing stroll.


So, let anger dissipate like smoke, 

Release pommel's grip, unbind chains that choke. 

Embrace the journey, leap the Elysian flight, 

For within the darkness, hope makes a light.

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